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Abstract Submissions


Abstract Submission Deadline: September 17 at 11:59 pm ET

The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) invites you to submit your abstracts for The UltraSound Event.

Why Submit? 
Share your research for the chance to engage with the medical ultrasound community and:

  • Present your ultrasound research to a global audience;
  • Have your work published in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine; and
  • Win an abstract award with cash prizes.

Important Dates

Open: Aug 6, 2024
Close: Sept 17, 2024
Notifications:  Dec 2024

Application Requirements

 To successfully submit an abstract for review, you must have the following information:

  1. Title (200 characters/75 words max)

  2. Submission type:
    • Oral Presentation: Presented in person; 7 minutes for all categories except BS&I are 12 minutes.
    • Case Report: Presented in person; 7-minute presentations
    • Poster / ePoster:  presented in the exhibit hall and or displayed on digital kiosks. ePosters are not eligible for physical presentation
  3. Topic, subtopic, and theme (if applicable).

  4. List of authors and affiliations (name, email, role in the abstract, conflict of interest forms). Be sure to obtain approval in advance from all co-authors before placing their names on the abstract. The submitter may add author profiles/disclosures on behalf of co-authors, or invite co-authors to complete them themselves.  Additional Details

  5. Presenting/Registered author: At least one author (preferably the first author) listed in the abstract must register to attend the meeting and present the oral abstract or case report. For an ePoster, a registrant is also required of an author.  An attendee can only represent a total of three submissions. 

  6. Abstract presentation history: abstracts previously presented or published with other organizations are eligible. AIUM does not accept abstracts previously presented at an AIUM meeting.

  7. Award consideration. Not all abstracts are eligible for an award. See details.

  8. Abstract text. Be sure to remove any brand names and patient identification information. Additional Details

    • Oral Presentation and Posters: Each section of the abstract is limited to 300 words

      • Objectives

      • Methods

      • Results

      • Conclusions

      • Overview: This text will be displayed on the website and other materials as a way to promote your abstract. In 200 words, what unique insights, findings, or implications will be shared during the onsite presentation that would be beneficial for attendees? Helpful Tip: Use interesting / engaging language to inform attendees why they must hear this presentation.

    • Case report

      • Introduction-300 words max.

      • Case Description (symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up; 600 words max)

      • Conclusions-300 words max.

      • Overview: This text will be displayed on the website and other materials as a way to promote your abstract. In 200 words, what unique insights, findings, or implications will be shared during the onsite presentation that would be beneficial for attendees? Helpful Tip: Use interesting / engaging language to inform attendees why they must hear this presentation.

  9. Poster alternative:  If your oral presentation or case report is not accepted, submitters may elect to be considered for an traditional Poster presented in the Exhibit Hall, or an ePoster only displayed on koisks. 

  10. Event Policies acceptance

Submitting an Abstract

Log into the abstract portal: Abstracts must be submitted through the online abstract portal. No email submissions will be accepted. There is a limit of 10 abstracts per submitter/ presenter. Once started, only the submitter can withdraw an abstract or revise the content. Please refrain from submitting multiple abstracts on overlapping facets of the same project unless each abstract has distinct, novel information and clearly stands on its own.

Complete the requirements. Once you begin an abstract submission, you will be able to save your work and return to the online system to make any necessary edits at any time before the submission deadline. Please keep in mind that the review process will benefit from detailed information in each of the sections. Incomplete submissions will be rejected. We encourage all submitters to begin the process early. 

Review your content: Confirm your author list and proofread your abstract to correct any errors before submission. Changes to abstract titles or abstract text, as well as additions or deletions of author names, are allowed up until the deadline. Changes will not be permitted after the deadline.

Look for a confirmation email: A successful submission ends with a confirmation email to the submitter. If you do not receive a confirmation, be sure to hit the Submit button on the top right of the page to officially complete and submit your abstract. By submitting the abstract, you retain the copyright of your content and agree to give the AIUM a limited, nonexclusive, royalty-free license to present and archive the content.

Review, Acceptance Notification, and Attendance


All submissions are reviewed for quality, scientific value, conference relatedness, and overall appropriateness for inclusion in the program.


All notifications and communications, including acceptance or non-acceptance, will be sent by email. It is the submitter’s responsibility to ensure his/her email address is correct and current. The AIUM is not responsible for notification emails not received due to incorrect contact information. The submitter is responsible for informing all co-authors of acceptance at the meeting.

Notification letters for abstract submissions will be sent out by mid-December. All abstract presenters will be asked to confirm receipt of their notification and officially accept the invitation to present (oral abstracts) or display (ePoster) their abstract. If you do not receive a notification email, contact the Education Department at on December 15, 2024, to confirm acceptance or non-acceptance of your submission.

Detailed information about speaker tasks and due dates including presentation guidelines will be provided after acceptance. 


Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present (oral abstracts) or display (ePoster) their work if the abstract is accepted. If you must withdraw your abstract, please email Include your name, abstract ID, abstract title, and reason for withdrawal.

Presenting authors (including those representing ePosters), are required to register for the full meeting.  Abstract authors are responsible for their registration and travel arrangements. The AIUM does not provide honorarium or reimbursement of travel expenses, with the exception of some award winners. Registration fees for all other authors will directly correspond to their current membership status. If the first/presenting author does not register, their abstract will be withdrawn from the program and will not be published in the proceedings. Failure to attend and present could affect your ability to present at future meetings.

Abstract Awards!

The Ultrasound Event will showcase the latest cutting-edge and paradigm-shifting ultrasound research. Be a part of the future and be rewarded with prize money, as well as recognition if you are chosen to be among one of the best-of-the-best for either the New Investigators or The Great 8 session. 

The New Investigator is a special session for New Investigators in training or who have completed their training within the past 5 years. In addition to the honor of being recognized as a New Investigator, two winners will be selected and awarded $500 each!

The Great 8 is a special session that recognizes the best-of-the-best research with a prize pool of $10,000 to further their research! In addition to the honor of being recognized as one of the top 8 abstracts, each presenter will walk away with $1,000 and the #1 presenter will win a total of $3,000!

Winners from both sessions will be announced during the Ultrasound Unwind: Awards & Party


Choose the topic and subtopic that most closely relates to the content of your abstract.

Artificial Intelligence 

  • Basic Science: Image Reconstruction, Algorithm Development

  • Data Resource Development: Database Design, Data Dictionaries, Data Engineering, Data Curation

  • Clinical Translation of AI Technologies

  • Other

Basic Science and Instrumentation 

  • Imaging Science, Technologies, and Instrumentation

  • Bioeffects and Physical Measurements

  • Quantitative Ultrasound and Biomarkers

  • Therapeutic Science, Technologies, and Instrumentation

Cardiovascular Ultrasound 

  • Echocardiography (Adult)

  • Peripheral Vascular

  • Vascular (Diagnostic)

  • Vascular (Interventional)

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound 



  • Elastography (Basic Science)

  • Elastography (Clinical/Translational)

Fetal Echocardiography 

  • Congenital Heart Defects

  • First Trimester

  • Cardiac Function

  • Perinatal Planning

  • Screening

  • Twins

  • Other

General and Abdominal Ultrasound 

  • Abdomen (Non-Hepatobiliary)

  • Breast (Diagnostic and Interventional)

  • General (Urology, Bowel, Soft Tissues)

  • Head and Neck (Non-Thyroid/Parathyroid)

  • Hepatobiliary

  • Thyroid/Parathyroid (Dedicated)

  • Other

Gynecologic Ultrasound 

  • Adnexa

  • Gynecologic Complications of First-Trimester Obstetrics

  • Infertility

  • Three-Dimensional

  • Urogynecology

  • Uterus

High-Frequency Clinical and Preclinical Imaging 

Interventional-Intraoperative Ultrasound 

  • Ultrasound-Assisted Vascular Interventions

  • Ultrasound-Assisted Solid Organ Interventions

  • Ultrasound-Assisted Pediatric Interventions

  • Ultrasound-Assisted Musculoskeletal Interventions

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound 

  • Musculoskeletal (Diagnostic)

  • Musculoskeletal (Interventional)


  • Brain Vascular Abnormalities

  • Carotid and Vertebral Doppler Examination

  • Carotid Doppler

  • Cerebrovascular Doppler Examination

  • Congenital Brain Anomalies (Fetal/Neonatal)

  • Congenital Spine Anomalies (Fetal/Neonatal) 

  • Hypoxico-Ischemic Injury in the Neonate

  • Neurosonology

Obstetric Ultrasound 

  • Cervix and Preterm Birth Issues

  • Fetal Anatomy

  • Fetal Growth

  • First Trimester

  • Multiple Gestations

  • New Technologies

  • Placenta, Dopplers, and Pre-eclampsia

  • Second Trimester

  • Third Trimester

  • Other

Pediatric Ultrasound 

Point-of-Care Ultrasound 

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • General Clinical Care

  • Competency

  • Miscellaneous POCUS

  • Critical Care

  • Handheld Ultrasound

  • Procedural POCUS

  • Pediatric

  • Simulation


  • Ergonomics/Work Safety

  • Instrumentation

  • Ultrasound Training/Teaching

  • Workflow

  • Other

Therapeutic Ultrasound 

  • Clinical

  • Developmental

  • Ultrasound-Guided Intervention

  • Other

Ultrasound in Global Health

Ultrasound in Medical Education 

  • Assessment

  • Curriculum

  • Professional Matters

  • Remote Learning

  • Other



Questions? Email


Additional Author Requirements

  • Obtain approval in advance from all co-authors before placing their names on the abstract. Submission of an abstract denotes that co-authors as well as authors have read the abstract, take responsibility for its content, and approve that their names appear on the abstract. By submitting an abstract, you attest that you have obtained approval from all authors.
  • Include an affiliation for each author. Spell out the institutions in their organizations and capitalize the first letter of each proper name. Examples follow: Johns Hopkins University, Thomas Jefferson University, Eastern Virginia Medical School.
  • Disclose any financial interest in accordance with the AIUM’s disclosure of financial relationships policy. List any financial interests, assistance, or relationships with companies, supporters, or commercial products that are related to the research (for example, research support, grants, sponsors, stockholder, etc).  
  • A submitter can only submit up to 10 abstracts. The submitter of an abstract does not have to be an author on that abstract. A single author can be listed on an unlimited number of abstracts. Each accepted abstract must have a representative register and present at Event, on behalf of the abstract. A single author may only represent a maximum of 3 abstracts at the Event, regardless, of how many abstracts they authored or submitted.

 Additional Submission Requirements 

  • All required fields must be complete or the submission will be marked incomplete. Abstract submissions with an “incomplete” status cannot be processed, but can be completed before the submission deadline.
  • In accordance with HIPAA regulations, patient confidentiality must be protected. Names, dates of scans, birth dates, ages, medical record numbers, zip codes, and identities must not be included in the abstract or on images.
  • Tables and images are not permitted during submission. They may be used in your presentation slides.